Orivs Flannel Shirt

Orvis Sheffield Long Sleeved Mens Flannel Shirt. A shirt for a man’s man.

Orvis is a brand that means loyalty. You thought your dog was loyal? Bullshit! He’d lick any hand with a bone in it. This flannel shirt is your best friend, your wing man, and your co pilot. It would take a bullet for you… if you wore a bullet proof vest underneath.

Here are the facts:

  • The Orvis flannel shirt has got one pocket, unlike those bullshit two pocket shirts. It is literally the Lance Armstrong of shirts – it can do more with one then its competitors can do with two (minus the performance enhancing drugs).

  • It is a lightweight cotton blend that is as soft as a chinchilla’s nether regions.

  • It comes in all sizes. Gain a hundred pounds; buy it again.

It’s time to man up. Buy your Orivs flannel shirt today. Click here to purchase.


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